It is with great regret that i write about the untimely passing of the legend that was Pete Linksey. Always full of life, he collapsed on 9th Novemeber at the top od Egg Farm Lane whilst riding his bike and died later in Watford General. It is particularly poignant that in his hour of need a young lad of 18 , Lewis Scott of Summerhouse Way, who was also out riding with a friend Jack Backoke, came to his aid. Lewis called the emergancy services when he saw Pete fall from his bike anf gave him CPR to keep him concious until the ambulance arrived. A commendable action that gave Pete a fighting chance of survival
Pete's family moved to Abbots Langley when he was very young, and he attended Divine Saviour and St Michael's School and was a choir boy at St Saviours Church. He had various spells in hospital in his earlier life and whilst recovering from operations on his feet he was allowed to watch the Abbots Langley Scout Group climbing on the wall they had built on Mansion House Farm. They taught him how to belay from the ground and within weeks he was shouting commands and instuctions.
On joining the Venture Scouts, Pete and five others successfully climbed Kinder Scout in about 6inches of snow and later completed the Lyke Wake Walk of 39.5 miles in 15hrs 50 mins. Soon after his 21st birthday Pete took over running the Venture Scout Unit and later became its Leader for many years, although not taking out a leader's warrant. His trained team came 5th in the Peak Assualt competion which was a big achievement. More recently Pete has been a very lively member of the Scout Fellowship, never missing a Boxing Day Walk where his rendering of 'The Music Man' and 'Oh Sir Jasper' will greatly be missed.
His philosophy in life was that work should fit around his weekend activities. His love of the outdoors took him climbing, although he fell at one point and broke his back. Undeterred after doctors told him he should not climb, he took up canoeing instead!
I 1991 he decided to turn the hobbies he enjoyed so much into a business teaching others the things he loved most. He successfully built up "Out of Town Action Sports" (OTAS) over the last 20 years based at Phasels Wood and the water-sports section at the Rickmansworth Aquadrome, teaching and instructing schools, clubs, Scouts and corporate companies in climbing, abseiling, orienteering and canoeing amoungst others. thousands of children benefitted from his expertise and he always tried to help those who struggled to achieve their full potential
The Funeral was held on 22nd Novemeber and attended by well over 200 people. Representatives from each group of the District Scouts Lined the road as the funeral procession left the church for the graveyard. An old Scout friend flew in from Australia particulary to attend and hundreds of well wishes were recieved. His parents Mary and Alf were extremely proud of Peter and his many achievements. Pete and his partner Pauline were in the process of buying a house in Greenways to start a new chapter in thier lives and she would particularly like to thank everyone for their love and support in dealing with the sudden loss. A facebook page pete1linskey1tribute was set up in his memory for people to share stories and here are some of the comments posted
"Pete you were one of the good guys. I Learnt so much from him about being tolerant and seeing the good in everyone. I hope to pass some of the things you taught me on to my children and others"
"Pete was an inspiration to me. Such a great person, always friendly, always laughing. You made the children laugh and they looked up to you, as did I"
"Peter has been a friend for the last 20 years. He has always been a rock, a mate, someone special. Someone I only managed to see a couple of times a year but the times were memerable, unforgettable times. He has left a big hole in lots of livesm far too early. Truely loved and missed by all your ski mates"
"Pete has been a true friend for 34 years, he seemed to like, love and know everyone. His culinary skills we also unique. He showed me that you could make Duck a L'Orange using a chicken and half a jar of marmalade. But if you needed help Pete would always be there."
"Pete was a lovely guy and helped to teach me lots in a short time i knew him. He really knew how truly lovely a simple wlak in a beatiful place could be"
"If you spent just a couple of hours with Pete you would come away with a lasting memory"
"Pete was a strong man with a heart of gold. He always had time for people and was always keen to learn. He did a lot of work tha people didn't notice he was doing. He will be missed by not only his family, friends and partner, but the community as a whole."

As part of the 2011 Boxing Day Walk and as a tribute to Pete, a group met to do a 'Pre'walk from Kindersley Way via Egg Farm Lane to meet the rest of the people accross the fields at the top of Love Lane for the rest of the way to the Holly Bush Pub where songs are sung each year.
Written By Pauline Styles