A Cub Scout Pack can have up to 36 Cub Scouts and is split into smaller groups called Sixes. Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. A Cub Scout meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors.
Camps and holidays are some of the most memorable events of the year for Cubs.
Here at the 1st we have 2 Cub packs all named after habitats of cubs, each meeting on different nights and occasionally joining up for sleepovers and camps over the year

Monday 18:30 - 20:00
Akela - Richard Livermore-Hardy

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Akela - Chris Watts

I've always loved children and helping others, so Scouting fits perfectly for me. I was a tomboy growing up in St Albans; forever in the garage watching my dad mending and making things, playing football and catch in the garden. I was the first girl to play football in the after-school club at my junior school, and didn't look forward to having to wear a skirt when I started Secondary school. I moved to North Watford in 2007 and started in the movement a few years later. I work three jobs, starting at the third job as an interim plan when my partner and I bought our first home in 2014, but I enjoy it too much to leave!

I have been associated with the Rainforest Cub Section for over a decade, as both a Young Leader and Assistant Cub Scout Leader. I first became involved with 1st Abbots Langley Scout Group and began my life in Scouting at the age of 6, joining the movement as a Beaver before gradually over the years working my way up through the sections to the then newly formed "Abbos" Explorers unit. I began volunteering with Rainforest Cub at 14 in order to complete my Gold Chief Scout Award in 2007, having completed this I then continued to volunteer and assist the section on a weekly basis as an Explorer Scout participating in my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, having completed the 6 months volunteering requirement I made the decision to stay on with the section as a Young Leader, I held this role and continued at Explorers to the age of 18, as there was no Network section at this time in Watford for me to continue with Scouting and I was starting University that year.
Following a break from Scouting while studying away at University in Leeds from 2011 to 2014 I returned home to rejoin the section as an Adult Leader and have been volunteering in this role ever since, in this time completing the requirements for my Wood Badge. The break I took from Scouting while studying at university reignited my passion for discovery and adventure, allowing me to contemplate and fully realise the benefits a life in Scouting had provided me. My time with the movement had provided me an environment to both challenge and develop myself as an individual, pushing me to reach my limits while learning and developing new skills and abilities that cannot be learnt or taught in any academic environment. This realisation gave me the motivation to want to actively contribute back to my Scout Group to facilitate for others the same opportunities and experiences of adventure and excitement that were on offer to me growing up. Personally I view Scouting as an organisation that offers fantastic opportunities for young people to socialize and bond with peers and participant in a diverse range of unique activities and experiences.
Throughout my time in Scouting I was fortunate enough to participate in an extensive array of trips, camps, residential experiences and international expeditions, completing my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition in Killarney Ireland, and competing in the Peak Assault challenge in addition to an assortment of life changing adventures and experiences at camps nationwide.
My interest in Scouting is about getting outdoors and persuading adventure, a core founding principle of the organisation. I currently hold a NSRA YPS Qualification, and am in the process of working towards achieving and obtaining several other Adventurous Activity Permits and Qualification in activities that I enjoy and wish to develop further including; Archery, Camping, Climbing and Hill Walking. One of my greatest passions is Rock Climbing, I am a keen climber and regularly climb as a member of the Lees Wood Climbing Club a group comprised of Scouts and Guides with a similar enthusiasm of the sport. My interest and passion for climbing I owe to both the Scout Movement and Pete Linskey.
In addition to being an Assistant Cub Scout Leader I am also a Scout Network member and occasionally help out with the "Abbos" Explorer Unit, with the unit I am in the process of undertaking my Gold Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Scout Award and hope to have both of these completed next year. As my time with the Network nears its end I hope to become more involved with the Explorer/Network section as a leader in order to encourage and empower others to complete their Duke of Edinburgh and Queen scouts Awards. As well as become involved with the Active Support Unit to continue my personal involvement with Scouting beyond the 18-25 bracket and peruse the opportunities and life changes experiences Scouting has to offer and continue to further develop and hone my outdoor interests.