Each Scout Troop consists of small units of six to eight Scouts called a Patrol, usually led by a Patrol Leader. Outdoor activities feature prominently, with the highlight being camping. Throughout the year, Scouts learn various skills, such as map reading, camp cooking and first aid in preparation for camp.
Rock climbing, potholing, gliding, photography and international experiences are just some of the things they get up to.

Thursday 19:30 - 21:30
SL - Amaelia Parmenter
1997 - Present
As a Cub and Scout, some years ago now, I fondly remember having a great time in scouting and therefore encouraged my three children to get involved from an early age. When my eldest son moved up from Cubs to Scouts a letter came home asking for help. I volunteered to become an Assistant Scout Leader in September 1997 but within a year, the Scout Leader at the time resigned, and I was left to become the new leader, a role that I have continued to this day. During those formative years the Troop grew from 16 to well over 30 and we had as many as 44 at one time. Crickey, that was hard work. In February 2002, the Group Scout Leader stepped down and, as the senior Scouter in the Group, I was left to take on the additional role. As GSL, I have overall responsibility for all the youth sections, the leaders and administering the waiting list of those wishing to join. This is a very time consuming role, with 150 youngsters in the Group, but we are very lucky to have an excellent team of leaders, a very supportive Fellowship and a great group of parents that help to run the Group. More recently, I have been selected to lead a unit of 36 youngsters, aged 14-17, from 4 counties in the south-east, to attend the 2015 World Scout Jamboree in Japan.

I'm Amaelia and I am an 'Assistant Beaver Leader' at Lake Beavers. I first became involved with Lake Beavers as part of my Gold Chief Scouts Award when I was 12, helping Lisa and Paula on Monday evenings. I enjoyed myself so much that I decided to become a Young Leader after I had finished my service. When I turned 18, I applied to become an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader and have been volunteering alongside Lisa and Paula ever since.
As well as an Assistant Leader at Beavers, I also volunteer my time on a Tuesday Night with Explorers as well as Scouts on a Thursday night